18 January 2012

double stroller, minimum trouble

My son who is now attending nursery 2 at a nearby school has gotten sick, as well as my baby girl. The culprit: walking to/from school under the scorching heat.

Eversince my baby girl was born, I have contemplated on buying double stroller and I did find one who can fit my baby and preschooler - joovy caboose ultralight.

My husband has not agreed on my reasoning for buying the stroller (since we already have 2 Aprica strollers) but now that the new school year has begun and our kids has gotten sick with just 2 weeks of school, he finally relented. Bad news is, it is sold out in mothercare and they won't be carrying this brand in the future so I have decided to purchase the stroller online and hopefully I would be getting it soon.

Hmn, and with my first online international purchase what else can I buy?

Update: 03 Feb 2012

Our Joovy arrived last 26 Jan. Should be 25th but we were not home when fedex delivered it. Our yaya said that there's no problem though the height of the handle is too high for her. And going up the ramp is quite heavy but other than that, my kids can now be comfortable. Due to its bulk, we decided not to use this when going out that requires taxi or bus. Thank you Joovy and Fedex for the prompt delivery.

13 January 2012

You had me at antibodies

When I was pregnant with my 1st child, I have done a lot of research about pregnancy and how to take care of the baby. And when I learnt that breastfeeding has antibodies that would help my child combat virus and diseases, I was sold.

With my son, I exclusively breastfed him until 2.5 months, then mix feeding (with formula) until 6 months (I would still express at the office during these times). And still continued the breastfeeding at night until he was 14.5 months.

He got the flu only at the age of 1 and he was not matamlay (lethargic) during those times.

With my daughter, I exclusively breastfed her until 3.5 months, then mix feeding (with formula) until 10.5 months (still expressing at the office during these times). And up to now I am still breastfeeding her at night. Downside is, my nipple is her pacifier/comforter. But it's ok. We get to rest at the same time, both of us lying down while she's drinking. And it's a form of bonding.

And if we are blessed with baby/ies again, I would not hesitate sharing my antibodies with my kids. I want them to be strong and healthy. It's one of the greatest gift a parent can provide for.

12 January 2012

Cs 1st birthday: cake

I have ordered the cake for my Cs 1st birthday. It's a Hello Kitty Cake and I have found some inspirations from the following images online

I copied the design of HK here.

I will post the pix once it has been delivered on Cs bday.

Update: 02 Feb 2012

Next time, let the supplier design the cake and just provide the must haves, LOL!
Here it is:

Not a complete loss though, the taste is what I was after and they did deliver (it's a bit pricey though ... 150sgd for 4kg)

10 January 2012

A Potty Scene

"mama... mama... mamaah... maMAAAHHH ... MAMAAAAHHHH..."

I go in and check S in the bathroom.

"What do you want?" I'd ask kindly.

"I want to wiwi and pupu"

"Ok, go ahead and wiwi and pupu"

3 minutes later:

"mama... mama... mamaah... maMAAAHHH ... MAMAAAAHHHH..."

and the cycle goes on for another 15 minutes

09 January 2012

A party of five

Dragon parents

A rat preschooler

A tiger baby




Wishing for a dragon baby

Happy 2012 and may our wishes come true!